The other day Paul and I took a little trip to see the lighthouse in
Gabarus, a charming seaside village an hour away from where we live.
I was thinking that since lighthouses and the maritimes go together
like potatoes and butter it might do me some good to explore these
large houses of light. Not only that, my exploring might come in
handy in the form of subject matter for my newspaper column (I
write two articles a month for the Cape Breton Community Post if
you want to check it out!)We have only visited two lighthouses
since coming to the east coast, the Louisbourg one (my town) and
the Margaree Harbour one (my uncle's town). Needless to say, we
haven't seen many. I'm glad we got to go to Gabarus before the
summer's end. There really isn't anything to do there, but the sights
are worth the trip alone. Both the sky and ocean were so blue that
day it looked as if they were competing for our attention. I've also
never seen such clear water before in my life! Seriously, the clearest.
So clear I felt as if I were swimming inside of a water bottle. And
not a Dasani water bottle, I mean one that gets their water from a
fresh brook up north. I love the sound a cobblestone beach makes
too, it's as if I'm inside a giant rainstick the way the water moves
between the rocks. I just love how this island makes me feel as if I've
left behind the 21st century. It's right there when I want it anyways.
Thrifted // Shirt
Garage Sale // Skirt
Vintage // Seashell Clutch
Thrifted // Wedges